April 17, 18 2003 -ASCA/NADAC Agility Trial - Frederick, MD
April 24-25 2004 - Freestyle Event in Delmont, PA
Maggie Q'd in Elite Standard with a 3rd place and in Open Gamblers with a 1st place. Not bad for an "Old Girl".
.Cooper placed 1st both days in the Beginners Class giving him his W-FD title. Then he went on to take HIT for his combined scores over both days. All this in his freestyle debut. CONGRATULATIONS to Mark and Cooper.
April 30/May2, 2004- Mt Nittany Dog Training Club
Maggie Q'd in Excellent Jumpers with a 1st place and in Excellent B Standard
May 2, 2004 -- Mt Nittany Dog Training Club
Rus Q'd in Excellent B Standard
May 2, 2004 - Mt Nittany Dog Training Club
Cooper Q'd in both Standard and Novice with two 1st places in his agility debut.
Rusfinished the weekend with 5 Q's taking a 2nd and 4th place in Elite Reg Vets, a 1st in Open Jumpers Vets for his title, a 2nd in Novice Touch and Go and a Q in Novice Tunnelers.
Dec 9, 10, 11, 12 - Cleveland Classic
Maggie Q'd all 4 days in EX B St finishing her MX on the first day.
Dec 9 - Cleveland Classic
Cooper finished his Open Jumpers title with a 4th place